What Is A Certified Chiropractic Extremities Practitioner (CCEP) And Why Would I Need One?

by Jessica Ferdowsian | Apr 18, 2023 | Chiropractic, Treatments

For many, hearing that they might need a certified chiropractic extremities practitioner, or CCEP, may evoke a sense of concern or panic. Is their injury really so severe that they need a specialized professional to handle it?

The truth is that a CCEP is much more than a specialist, and should be more commonplace in chiropractic offices.

What Is A CCEP?

But what exactly is a CCEP? To put it simply, a CCEP is any Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) who has successfully completed a 105-hour, seven-course extremity CCEP certification program and passed their final exam. In practice, this means that the accredited CCEP has taken enough training to be practiced in treating misalignments in patient extremities.

The principle guiding their treatment is that the neurological system (i.e. the patient’s spine) is in balance with their mechanical control system (their extremities). When one’s extremities are misaligned, it offsets their spine into misalignment as well, and vice versa.

Governor’s Park is a full-service chiropractic office servicing the Denver, Lone Tree, and Wheat Ridge areas. Dr. Ferdowsian, the clinic manager, is a fully licensed CCEP and offers his exclusive services to all who are in need of the specialist care a CCEP can bring.

Why Might You Need A CCEP?

As a patient, you could have a perfectly aligned spine and still suffer from pain and discomfort as a result of misalignment in your extremities. Misaligned extremities can put additional pressure on surrounding tissues and joints, possibly causing subluxations (dislocations of the joint) as a result.

Even the most cautious of athletes still get unexplained soreness and pain occasionally. These ailments could result from subluxations that, if left untreated, can cause misalignment in the spine. However, aligning a spine will not fix these subluxations. Aligning extremities so they are in place to support your nervous system is the job of a CCEP.

Shouldn’t Any Chiropractor Be Able To Help?

Doctors of Chiropractic are specifically trained in how to adjust the spine in chiropractic school, with little training in how to adjust extremities. Indeed, many DCs go into practice specifically to treat spinal misalignments, with a few adding extremity alignment later on.

CCEPs are specifically trained in extremity alignment, alongside the standard training a Doctor of Chiropractic receives. This makes them uniquely qualified to handle both spinal and extremity alignments in a way most standard DCs are not.

How Can I Find A CCEP?

CCEPs are trained to handle TMJ, misaligned hips, shoulder girdle syndromes, knee subluxations, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, baker’s cysts, sprained ankles, foot and gait mechanics, shin splints, and leg length issues. If you have chronic discomfort despite receiving a spinal alignment, including joint pain and knee pain, then a CCEP may be right for you.

However, finding a qualified practitioner is not easy. There are just over 1,400 CCEPs around the world and not every practice advertises their services. Fortunately, the Council On Extremity Adjusting offers a useful CCEP locator to help those in need of a CCEP.

For those in the Denver, Lone Tree, and Wheat Ridge areas, you are in even more luck. Dr. Omid Ferdowsian is an accredited Lone Tree certified chiropractic extremities practitioner with his practice at Governor’s Park Chiropractic.

Serving not only Lone Tree but the Denver and Wheat Ridge areas, Dr. Ferdowsian believes in a holistic approach to chiropractic care. Trained not only in standard spinal care and extremity adjusting, Dr. Ferdowsian also utilizes massage therapy and acupuncture to take care of the needs of his diverse patient base.


Extremities adjustment is an often overlooked medical treatment in chiropractic care that could add great benefit to those in need of it. Not only can it bring pain relief and comfort to your extremities by aligning them, but it can also help patient spinal alignments last longer and be more effective.

Despite its importance, CCEPs are not very common, in a part due to the intensive training they must undergo. Fortunately for those in the Denver, Lone Tree, and Wheat Ridge areas, Dr. Ferdowsian is an accredited CCEP at Governor’s Park Chiropractic, offering his specialized services to those in need.

Contact us today at Governor’s Park Chiropractic (720) 928-3683 and discover how our specialized and full-service chiropractic office can help you get the relief you need.

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