Governor’s Park Chiropractic is pleased to offer acupuncture services in Denver, Lone Tree, and Wheat Ridge. Our chiropractor and acupuncture clinics in Denver offer many services that provide tailored programs to restore you back to your original health and performance level.
Don’t let headaches or chronic pain determine how you live your life. Take back control with Governor’s Park Acupuncture Services. Get acupuncture treatment near you and take back control with Governor’s Park Acupuncture Services.

What Is Acupuncture Treatment?

What Does Research Say About Acupuncture Treatment?
Research shows that acupuncture treatment stimulates the nervous system to release neurotransmitters that alter the body’s hormones and reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture also has direct effects on the brain, stimulating the limbic and paralimbic networks and initiating a deep hemodynamic response.
Because acupuncture treatment affects both the neurological and nervous systems it causes both psychological and physiological responses. Through the physiological responses, patients often experience an increased production of endorphins, compounding the pain and inflammation relief they feel from the treatment.
Research also shows that acupuncture relieves myofascial pain by releasing tension in the muscular acupuncture points, which hold significant amounts of stress and cause inflammation.
Acupuncture offers the following benefits:
- Musculoskeletal pain and inflammation
- Neck pain
- Chronic pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
- Asthma
- Gynecological issues
- Headaches
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Sciatica
- Sinus congestion
- Tinnitus
- Weight loss

The methods of acupuncture often scare people out of considering it for treatment. When asking, “Does acupuncture hurt,” the difference in the size of acupuncture needles versus the size of medical needles is an important consideration.
Acupuncture needles are tiny compared to medical needles since medical needles need to extract and inject substances intravenously. Since acupuncture needles do not have to do this, they are anywhere from 2 to 5 times smaller than medical needles.
This results in a drastic reduction in the pain one feels from acupuncture needles and most patients report no discomfort at all. During the treatment, most patients report a state of relaxation and they can even fall asleep.

What to Expect
Our initial evaluations can take up to an hour to obtain all of your relevant medical information. Appointments after the initial consultation typically consist of one or two treatments per week but the number of treatments you receive varies greatly depending on the severity of your condition.

Acupuncture Benefits
- Safe procedures when performed correctly.
- Very few side effects.
- Better results when combined with other treatments.
- It manages different types of pain.
- It is a safe alternative to pain medications and invasive surgeries.
Though acupuncture can treat certain conditions, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture recommends that patients check with their medical provider before substituting it for medications and surgery.
At Governor’s Park Chiropractic Care, we believe chiropractic care and acupuncture go hand-in-hand. Typically patients go through three stages of chiropractic care: pain relief, corrective care, and wellness. The corrective stage consists of responding to musculoskeletal issues. However, to begin this stage, you need to eliminate your pain and inflammation first.
Patients experience more complete results when they combine acupuncture with chiropractic care. This combination typically results in fewer acupuncture sessions and lower treatment costs.


When to Call the Doctor
You can seek acupuncture for a variety of reasons and the sooner you seek treatment the better. If you find yourself struggling to find treatment methods for headaches, neck and back pain, depression, anxiety, uncontrollable mood swings, or you just can’t seem to shake an injury that has plagued you for years, you should visit a doctor to see if acupuncture treatment is right for you.
The licensed chiropractors at Governor’s Park Chiropractic Care, Denver’s acupuncture specialists, are here to give you a full-service treatment that responds to your condition at its root, and get you back to feeling like you can get the most out of life. Contact us today to see if acupuncture treatment is right for you.

If you’re looking for acupuncture in Lone Tree, CO, or anywhere else in Denver, schedule your appointment below at one of our three offices. You may also make an appointment by telephone.